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  • 10.06.2011
  • What's New at HCD International
  • Strategic Alliances
  • + read story

picture of Jackie Scott

Jackie Scott

Director of Strategic Integration

Jackie Scott's Signature


In April, HCDI celebrated 20 years of providing excellence in service. This landmark presented a perfect opportunity for self-evaluation, prompting us to ask ourselves two very important questions:

What is HCDI known for after 20 years of service?

Technical Support, Community Outreach, Organizational Development, Conference Planning, etc.

What do we want HCDI to be known for during the next 5 years?

Thought leadership, Top 5 healthcare company in MD, Innovator in health equity strategies, Technologically advanced firm, and Implementers of purpose driven design and marketing.

This introspection provided momentum behind the company's refocus. The findings from the self-analysis all point toward one central underlying themeā€¦Health Policy. We pride ourselves on working hard for the client as well as the community. Our commitment to addressing health inequities by focusing on the ways in which jobs, working conditions, education, housing, social inclusion, and even political power influence individual and community health has been the driving force behind the empowerment of our passion.

Please take a few moments to peruse our redesigned website which helps relay our efforts surrounding the company's rebranding, restructuring, and refocus.

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