
HCDI has partnered with Deloitte Consulting LLP to assist them with a finance transformation project in the DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Office of Financial Management (ICE OFM). As part of its vision, ICE OFM seeks to become a premier financial services provider in the federal government. The finance transformation project has many facets, including: Communications, Strategic Planning, Performance Management, Business Process Re-engineering, and Customer Strategy.


Metrics and Benchmarking – Collect and analyze data, perform best practice research, identify metrics/key performance indicators, interact with client stakeholders to gather information

Accounts Payable Integrated Process Team (A/P IPT) – Take notes during client working sessions, develop process maps for as-is and to-be A/P process, develop materials for client working sessions and on-site interviews, assist with recommendations based on as-is process and research, develop roles and responsibilities for to-be process, assist with creation of standard operating procedures (SOP) document for to-be process

Performance Management – Identify performance metrics for organization, participate in working sessions with organization leadership to develop and refine organizational goals, objectives, and mission statement (strategic planning)

Customer Strategy – Perform research on leading practice service level agreements (SLAs), develop performance scorecards based on the requirements in SLAs, develop data collection process and documentation to populate scorecards, train federal counterpart to transition scorecard project, make recommendations to improve SLAs, conduct client working sessions to gather feedback for SLAs, work with project manager to coordinate annual negotiation of SLAs


Metrics and Benchmarking – Developed a report to benchmark organization against peer groups, with recommendations to improve performance; developed and transitioned a monthly dashboard measuring some of the metrics included in the report

AP IPT – Participated in working sessions that framed the new A/P process, including process documentation

Performance Management – Lead to the creation of regular performance reporting across organization, and the presence of standard strategic framework to outline goals and objectives

Customer Strategy – Developed SLA scorecards and process to populate scorecards on a monthly basis (monthly customer reporting against requirements in the service agreement)