Hello, my name is Jabali Williams
It is my belief that design goes much further than simply the aesthetic. It is rather the culmination of a set of expertise, including strategic direction, creativity, communication, management, development, and testing. As an individual who is passionate about design, I've spent my career focusing on improving my understanding and application of the forementioned skill set. Beginning with my foundation in architecture, my eduction and professional experience include engineering, design, web development, user experience, product ownership, creative direction, management, and marketing. The result, a proven track record of creating award-winning products, experiences, and campaigns. I am an advocate for the user, a trusted consultant to the client, and an impactful leader of the team. Oh yeah, and a humorous, fun-loving and stylish guy that stands out in a crowd (well, at least according to my wife).
In a nutshell ... I make design happen.