Syreeta is a fashion design (BFA) graduate of syracuse university. she also completed a minor in the whitman school of business in entrepreneurship & emerging enterprises as well as completing a concentration in the fashion communications milestone.

Fashion, for Syreeta, is about self-expression. take the metaphor: the wearer as the messenger and fashion as the medium, for we all have a story to be told. fashion (and even the lack thereof) tells an individual's unique story - where you're from, where you're going... your culture, your ideals, who YOU are. fashion has the ability to break barriers - language and otherwise - and communicate more accurately than the most colorful of words.


How one dresses is a direct reflection of who they are.  syreeta uses fashion as a form of introspection, to display the findings of the searching of her soul and explore her own creativity. she uses fashion for extrospection as well as she falls more and more in love with observing the beauty around her.

As a recent graduate and budding fashion force, syreeta has taken a knack for quality construction and cohesive design. she is intrigued by small parts & details coming together to create a whole... the same way words come together to create a story... the same way we all come together to create a world. each piece holds great importance, for without it, the story wouldn't be the same.


Syreeta hails from washington, d.c.