Our Process


Pay $25 and submit multiple songs to be considered. Sound and Image Showcase, LLC is a legally established company with employees, we charge $25.00 for the time it takes our staff to process your songs for review.


Sound and Image Showcase Staff will submit your music to Kal Nwaneri Writer, Producer for Sony, DefJam, Interscope, Grammy and Platinum recording artists Will Smith, MYA, and Biz Markie.


A decision will be made within 15 business days to determine if you have the talent to meet our Major label A&R reps to shop and showcase your music at one of Sound and Image Showcase’s private listening sessions or live events.


If you are chosen by Kal, Sound and Image Showcase Staff will arrange a private meeting with you and the Major Label A&R. Sound and Image Showcase, LLC is a legally established company with employees, we charge $275.00 for the logistical arrangement and administrative process of a private virtual meeting with an A&R at Sony Music Headquaters or $450.00 for an in person escort visit by Kal Nwaneri to Sony Music Headquaters in New York City. A Private Virtual meeting will allow you to skype into a private listening sesion room at Sony Music Headquaters.


Based on our live events & listening session dates, your A&R private session date is determined and you will be notified with your date and schedule of events.


You will meet with Grammy and Platinum producing A&Rs and have a chance to showcase your music for a Major Recording Contract while receiving timeless and valuable advice to help you further your music career.


After your private session you will get feed back from Sound and Image Showcase on the A&Rs Decision and if selected, chances at other major music industry opportunities.