Who We Are
Providing excellence in service is our main focus at HCD International (HCDI). Discovering and understanding how each client is unique and requires solutions tailored specifically to their individual needs is the primary foundation of our process. HCDI's core leadership analyzes these findings and applies the right people, with the right passion, for the right position. This interdisciplinary approach is the creative cornerstone to everything we do at HCDI.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Employee Volunteerism: Giving Back to the Community
"Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something."
This quote from an unknown author rings true for HCDI when it comes to giving back to the community. Whether it's the basic necessities—food, clothes, clean water—or support for education, culture, and health, HCDI employee volunteers will extend a hand.
Our approach to charity is employee-centric: We align our resources with the interests of our staff, empowering them to be agents for change. We work with local and community based non-profits in Washington, DC, such as S.O.M.E (So Others Might Eat) and ThriveDC, to enrich the lives of the clients they serve. At ThriveDC, our employees make a difference through donations of essential items like toiletries and office equipment as well as donations of time. The work of our volunteers helps DC residents meet their basic needs, while establishing meaningful partnerships and connections to the community. Our employees embody a spirit of service and dedication for those in need, creating positive results and enriching lives.